Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dog and Cat food rating

Here is some helpful info about choosing dog & cat food.
The original is in on-line at

Dog and Cat Food Rating

The following guide is provided by Dr. Michael Lemmon of Highlands Veterinary Hospital in Renton, Washington.

Foods are rated from 10 (the most nutritious) to 0 (the least nutritious)

10-9 For wild animals in nature: wild food
Source: hunting, foraging.
Characteristics: study wild animals to learn best diet for domesticated species.

8 The best you can do: balanced, fresh food made by you
Source: Dogs – ⅓ meat, eggs, diary; 2/3 grains, vegetables. Cats – ½ meat, eggs, dairy; ½ grains, vegetables.
Characteristics: ecological, inexpensive, easy, healthy (includes healthy leftovers)

7-6 Not a bad compromise: “health food” brands
Source: Precise, Wysong, Nature’s Recipe, Dynamite, Flint River, ABADY, Avo-Derm, Sensible Choice, Solid Gold, Pinnacle, Pet Guard, Nature’s Variety.
Characteristics: few or no preservatives, few or no by-products, dates on the bags, more nutrients retained, disease prevention design.

5-4 Getting the idea: “upscale” brands
Source: Science Diet, ANF, Tamiami, Cornucopia, Lick Your Chops, Nutro, Waynes, Old Mother Hubbard.
Characteristics: digestible, very concentrated, easily available, actually less costly, could be improved.

3 Just mucking along: all grocery store brands
Source: IAMS, Ol’Roy, Purina (all), Gaines, Friskies, Alpo, Ken’l Ration, Kal-Kan, Tuffys, Tyrells, Attaboy, Pedigree.
Characteristics: Not very digestible, additives, preservatives, chemicals, no date on bags, addictive flavorings added.

2 You get what you pay for: generic brands
Source: Holiday, Super-America, Houles, Fromms.
Characteristics: Ultra-cheap ingredients, irregular batch cooking, products are not tested, no reputation to lose.

1 Let them eat cake: soft –moist, gourmet cans, “treat” foods
Source: Tender Vittles, Gaines Burgers, Kibbles and Chunks, Pounce, Crave, Snausages, Jerky Sticks, Happy Cat, Mighty Dog.
Characteristics: Fake, plastic, junk food, addictive and deadly, rots teeth and intestines, expensive.

0 We warned you: poorly balanced, randomly-offered, people food
Source: Excess meat, fat, ice cream, candy, sugar, white flour products, tuna, steak, bones, anything microwaved.
Characteristics: Cause of obesity, picky-eaters, behavior problems, diabetes, allergies, shedding and dandruff.

© Progressive Animal Welfare Society
Reprinted with permission

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